t h e a r t o f p e r c u s s i o n , a v a n t - g a r d e a n d b e y o n d . . .


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nominated "Best Jazz Recording" by the Boston Globe Music Awards

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Tisziji Muñoz, more than any other musician I know understands, promotes and inspires the sacred purpose of music. That is liberation, compassion, transformation and at-one-ment with the beautiful, messy, chaos of the universe.

- Bob Moses

Love Everlasting is a very special celebration of love, love of real music and the love of playing music with symphathetic kindred spirits. The music on this rare and sacred 23rd of September, 1987, for those musicians who played on this date, is a genuinely heart felt testament of everyone's love of Spirit, Soul, innocence, truth and creativity. Hence and respectfully, Love Everlasting is humbly offered to all in profound appreciation of the work of the great John Coltrane.

-Tisziji Muñoz


©2004 Amulet Records